
•April 10, 2012 • Leave a Comment





A woman with a lost beauty

is a blunt blade stained with

dead dried droplets of blood

breathing heavily in the moldy air /entrapped/

inside a rusty scabbard still

hearing all those clink and clanking clashing sounds.



Azin Izadifar


March 2012


•April 10, 2012 • 2 Comments



“You should be seen!” he said,

– “Might I even shine?!”;

like the silver moon

only seen by those who dare to be

awake in the darkest night.

The sleep-runners of the day are too busy;

rushing/anxious to pass/mesmerized & gazed with glazed eyes all at once

at the yellow big light.



And as for the audience

the silent staring stars will suffice.

Might I even sell some tunes

to a bunch of obsessed crickets

chirping with worn out wings,

or a line or two

to some rare passing-by pale

comets shining…down.



Azin Izadifar

March 1st, 2012


•June 12, 2011 • Leave a Comment




He who was not born as a god,

Yet made one of himself.

With winged feet he travels on winds,

sliding on oceans,

striding over mountain tips.

He knows the rising bright ways of the sky,

and all the pathways into underground; dark, deep and down.

He reads the roads starting from palms of hands,

running never-ending beneath feet through unknown lands,

all and each which emerge from mouth,

by every word uttered out,

curving through ears to minds and hearts.

He sees the trails unpaved, laid unseen before eyes,

and those paved and seen ; wrinkled on a face.


With winged head he dreams his dreams;

Throbbing thoughts, thinking twice,

before setting the birds of words free to fly.

winged he is, yet not a fragile bird.

The bestower of dreams,

A dreamer himself, but /too/practical!


Trust him, and he will lie!

Lie to him, and he will smile!

Call him savior; he’ll put you down!

Call him sacred and he will run!

He’s the trader who doesn’t buy victims’ tears,

the transformer of pain into poems, prose and deeds.

The winged god, who was once a crawling child;

Who would’ve known a word would be ” the messenger god”?         


When gods meet us humans,

He is the shaking hands.

The magic stick which sits in peace,

right between us; the poisonous enemies.

When they gods; the serpents,

twist around my very human sensitive skin,

tearing up my tender flesh,

breaking down my bones and ribs,

when they rub off on me,

their unbearable light hands,

sweeping me off my feet,

off my veins rooted underground,

sucking me up,

to their nonsense nowhere heavenly lands,

You are the god of scales and weights!

When they gods; the insatiables,

crawl under my skin,

and I intertwine with their very human-sensitive immortal limbs,

Licking their untouched ivory skins,

exposing them to my deadly germs,

of hunger, of wanting of fear and of revenge;

(For they can suck me up, my blood,

but ney, they can never taste!)

And when I degrade their pure holy love,

to my earthly dreadful desires,

feeding them with semen and blood,

instead of their daily sips of sacred nectarine,

when I suck’em dry down,

rolling’em deep into dirt, tear and mud,

You are the god of pure taste and tender touch!

Thou art the ” word”!

between me; the little shell, and us gods inside!


And yet further my lord,

the one in countless disguise!

You are the smile on trickster’s face;

watching us; gods in disguise;

wearing our human skins;

with goose bumps of fears,

and our so very dearly wounds.

Azin Izadifar

January 2011


” The Leafless Trees”

•June 12, 2011 • 1 Comment

Isn’t it the same feeling as in my previous painting post  “The Wingless Bird”? Trees standing there soaking in a colorful dream, yet leafless, unmanifested and unable to express their full potentialities, Still beautiful in a way, I think.

” Wingless”

•June 12, 2011 • 1 Comment

 I’m starting this website with this favorite painting of mine  “The Wingless Bird”.This is how I felt most of my life, growing in a society ruled by the Islamic Government of Iran; Wingless but never forgetting the dream of flying.

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•June 2, 2011 • 1 Comment

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